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for Meeting Links and Updates

Every Second and Fourth Thursday, 6–7:30 p.m. Central Time

Some editors will tell you they’ve never had the desire to write for themselves. Others, however, entered this profession because of their own love for prose. But how many of us creatives have lost our own passion and purpose for writing because of our love for serving others? Protecting your creativity is an important part of any artist’s life. Part of what makes us storytellers is our desire to give to others, to share part of ourselves with those around us. The risk we run is losing ourselves in the process. Have you given all your best metaphors to your clients? Is your creative cup empty?


At the Root, a division of Rooted in Writing LLC, is a writers' workshop designed to support editors in the fight to carve out creative space in their own lives. As a member, you'll be encouraged to set your own goals for writing success and be supported on your creative journey through critique and close-knit community.
Celebrating creativity, not productivity. Unlike most critique groups, we won't require consistent productivity to remain a part of the community. We get it; we’re all busy with our own work projects. Instead, our focus will be on nurturing in each other our passion for storytelling that originally brought us into the editorial field. Wrote two thousand words and want feedback? Let’s read it. Didn’t find time to get any writing done? Let’s talk about it, help you foster space, and support your growth by celebrating the little creative moments.

You can read the group's bylaws here. These bylaws include the critique process we'll use in our meetings.

By signing up for this newsletter, you'll receive access to our group's Slack channels as well as bi-monthly emails announcing our upcoming meetings. There is a different Zoom link and password associated with the second and fourth Thursday meetings, but those links remain the same month to month.

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